We are so proud of all of our KMPAA & PCCC students, from grade 3 to full-time, for their excellent and spirited performance of our end of year full-length ballet, COPPELIA.

It is a big challenge for both the faculty and the students to put on a 3 act ballet at a busy time of year, and we were very happy with the performances of every student, who gave their all to the production. It is a great experience for the students to learn repertoire, and great fun for them to be part of the process.

This year soloists were particularly young, most between the ages of 12 and 14. They handled themselves with maturity beyond their years throughout the performance and rehearsals.

A special congratulations to our leads - Kyla Payne & Rhett Davies, both 14, who danced Swanhilda and Franz. We are so very proud of your performances and how you tackled these difficult roles.

A special thank you to our guest artist Morgan Cowling, who performed a fantastic female Dr. Coppelius, helping the children to feel at ease with her professionalism.

We can’t wait to do it all again next year!